Hyakka Ryouran:Samurai Girls Wiki
Jubei Yagyū


Jubei Yagyū




Daishō set


April 11

Jubei Yagyū is the titular heroine of Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls.

Muneakira Yagyū's first Master Samurai, with the contractual mark on her chest. She also has a power level of five million when she transforms, but in this state she has shown a sadistic side, yet she is an honorable warrior who gives respect to those whom have earned it. Her weapon is a daishō set, with the katana unusually colored. She transforms every time she kisses Muneakira.



Jubei in her "normal mode"

Jubei is a red-haired girl, with blue eyes in her "normal form". In her master samurai mode, her eye color changes to gold, and her pupil form changes to a dragon-like form. She also has something that resembles red eyeliner. She has white socks with orange leggings that go to a little bitt below her knees, and platform sandals.


Jubei's normal personality is a child-like personality, which she demonstrates by giving people nicknames and calling Muneakira by big brother (onii-chan). During her master samurai mode, Jubei shows a sadistic side but she is an honorable warrior who gives respect to those whom have earned it.


Regular Form:

With the pact incomplete, Jubei is nothing more than a below average samurai, having a combat power of only 25, to the point of being just a civilian, (according to hanzo), but when he began to develop feelings for Muneakira, he was able to harness all its power.

  • Communication of monkeys: For some strange reason Jubey in her normal state, has the ability to communicate with monkeys, at a first level, this is seen when she translates and talks to Sasuke, Yukimara old pet.

Master Samurai Form:


The power of Jubei in her samurai mode is 5,000,000. She is incredibly fast and strong, and her swordsman skills are on the highest level. She controls a black aura around herself to attack.

However, this transformed form of Juubey is not completely complete, because Muneakira had not fully awakened as a General, which caused Jubey's power to conflict with his other personality on a few occasions (his part innocent infantile) at the level of emotion, at the same time that he left Muneakira immobilized, by a chain of energy, due to the bond he has with Jubey.

When Muneakira finally fully awakened his General powers, managing to break the energy chains that immobilized him, at the same time Jubey's fight against Nia began in his transformed state, when he kissed Munearika again, Jubey fully awoke, as a Master Samurai, gaining complete control of his body and the power it held, causing his failed personality, which was born from the previous incomplete contract, to seemingly disappear completely.

  • Samurai Master Form- Hybrid Personality: After fighting against his sister Yaygu Gisen, and rebelling against the resurrection plans of his "Master", Shirou-sama, the fight was even for a short time, until due to Gisen's favorable territory, He managed to subdue Jubei, but thanks to the feelings and ties of his General Muneakira and her friends, combined with the feelings and personality of his former self, which reappeared, the two Jyubeis became one (partially, sharing the same body , gaining a much greater power than before, with more energy release, and all his abilities increased, (reaching 7.000.000 power, it is understood), to the point that, due to the raw release, Jubey began to self-destruct. physically.

After the events of Jyubei, along with muneakira, and her friends, during the events and battles against the Darks Samurais, both Jubey, as well as Muneakira and her friends, realized that they were not using their full potential to the fullest, they must have, because they did not have, nor did they know how to use their Kii, correctly, but incorrectly. It was not until, thanks to the teachings and choices of Maeda Keiji, that Jubey, her friends, together with muneakira, managed to control the Ki that was in their bodies, managing to potentiate their techniques and abilities as such, at the same time, to create and learn. new techniques, such as telepathy among others.

Shortly after that, both Jyubei and the others continued to train and develop their kii well.

  • Fighting Arts:
  • Strong Swordswoman:
  • Flight Capacity:
  • Special Technique: Shadow Blink:

Samurai Bride Form:

Being at his Samurai Bride party, Jubey has the combined and strong powers of his friends, the Samurai masters, becoming Muneakira's Samurai Bride, with a power of more than 30 million (49 million if the power of his 6 friends, with hers), also counting on the natural abilities of her companions, as well as certain hybrid traits, both animal and technological, with all her physical abilities and previous abilities increase her power.

Being in that state as well as her Muneakira, she gives off an Aura of purifying energy, capable of purifying and bringing peace to dead souls, corrupted by evil.

  • Purifying light
  • Special Technique: Death Purifier

Legendary Bride Form:

